Computing 1 million digits of Euler’s Number

With this thread I start a new mathematical and computational branch: the art of computing decimals of particular mathematical constants. The first one will be e, the Euler’s number, about 2.7182818284, which is the base of exponential function ex, the only function equal to its derivative. Its inverse is the natural logarithm ln x, or… Continue reading Computing 1 million digits of Euler’s Number

Integer Factoring – Quadratic Sieve

SPOILER ALERT!!! Long and boring article, quite technical, it is in preparation to a Java implementation of the QS that will be included in the Factoring App presented in this site. So far the Java library is not yet ready, but it is under development. In previous posts we saw something about integer factorization, in… Continue reading Integer Factoring – Quadratic Sieve

C code optimization of Matrix Multiplication – Part 2

Welcome in the second part of this first journey in C code optimization (first because I hope to show also FFT). We started in this post with several optimization techniques applied to the Matrix Multiplication, in particular: The result was interesting, since in the graph we could see the impact of the various levels of… Continue reading C code optimization of Matrix Multiplication – Part 2

Trial Division and Eratosthene’s Sieve

Let’s suppose you change telephone number. Almost surely the first thing you think is “is my new phone number prime?”. Since the number is small the naive method “let’s try to divide the phone number by all numbers less than it” is good (at least if you do it with the computer). You can improve… Continue reading Trial Division and Eratosthene’s Sieve