Obfuscation and IOCCC

In modern web programming languages an important concept is minimization of code, where the source code undergoes to a series of transformations (variables and functions are renamed, spaces and new lines removed and so on) in order reduce its size, compromising maintainability and readability in favor of space (and so speed of the download and… Continue reading Obfuscation and IOCCC

Computing 1 million digits of Euler’s Number

With this thread I start a new mathematical and computational branch: the art of computing decimals of particular mathematical constants. The first one will be e, the Euler’s number, about 2.7182818284, which is the base of exponential function ex, the only function equal to its derivative. Its inverse is the natural logarithm ln x, or… Continue reading Computing 1 million digits of Euler’s Number

A command line image reader

After some semi-serious posts about prime numbers and factorization, now it’s time to something lighter, related with the C ASCII webcam post. Hacking NASA… Suppose you are hacking NASA website using HTML. Obviously from the textual browser lynx since you are an hacker and you only use Linux terminal. Even better, in the order, you… Continue reading A command line image reader

C code optimization of Matrix Multiplication – Part 2

Welcome in the second part of this first journey in C code optimization (first because I hope to show also FFT). We started in this post with several optimization techniques applied to the Matrix Multiplication, in particular: The result was interesting, since in the graph we could see the impact of the various levels of… Continue reading C code optimization of Matrix Multiplication – Part 2

The Matrix Optimized: C code optimization of Matrix Multiplication – Part 1

I want to share an in depth experiment in code optimization the I did at least ten year ago during my PhD in high performance computing. I offer you to choice between two options: read this post or ignore this post. If you choose to skip this post your mind will stay safe, tomorrow you’ll… Continue reading The Matrix Optimized: C code optimization of Matrix Multiplication – Part 1

C ASCII webcam

In this article we’ll see how to code an ASCII webcam in C using Open CV, prompting the output in a terminal. Here you also can find a sibling article to code the ASCII webcam in javascript in a web page. The previous article already address the problem of how to transform colors in characters,… Continue reading C ASCII webcam